Elegant Brand Identity for Centuries-old Furniture Repair

Dmytro Khrunevych sent me a message via Behance the other day about a new project that he had just published. It’s a super cool brand identity work done for a company that repairs and refinishes centuries-old furniture. The logo contains non-obvious elements, zodiac signs. The thing is that the throne (or let us call it ‘divan’) of Ivan Grozny is embellished with zodiac signs and a horoscope and it works really well. He also created a set of secondary support elements for collaterals. The result is a quite elegant brand identity system as you can see in the images below. 

Divan Grozny is a company engaged in repair and refinishing of centuries-old furniture.

The style combines several ideas. The wood is a basic material and an embodiment of longevity, while the brand defines the pattern and the main character (company name is consonant with Ivan Grozny, known as Ivan the Terrible, a historical figure; ‘divan’ stands for ‘sofa’)



Dmytro Khrunevych is a graphic designer from Kiev, Ukraine. His work is heavily focused on art direction, branding and graphic design. I recommend that you also check out another great project on his portfolio titled Patience Sans. For more information check out https://www.behance.net/dimahru


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