Logofolio by Shaivalini Kumar

This post is part of our daily series of posts showing the most inspiring images selected by some of the Designing Fever writers and users.


One of the best parts of my process, exploring and get inspired. It might sound silly but letting my mind free while surfing does make a difference instead of trying to find something. I stumbled across the work of Shaivalini Kumarand I can’t help to enjoy her logofolio from this year. It’s full of great pieces and I like how she can co-exist a neutral solid colour with shadows. Hooe you will enjoy!

About Shaivalini Kumar

Shaivalini is a designer currently based Los Angeles and she’s focusing her work into Art Direction, Graphic Design, Ilustration and Typography. You should definitely check out her work on Instagram.

For more information: http://www.supernovadesign.net.


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